Hybrid, What is a hybrid u ask? A hybrid is a combine of two diffrent animal. Like a lion and a tiger and it is called a Liger. There is around 22 hybrids animal in this world right now, but most hybrids don't really live very long. But hybrid isn't really very rare to find. It's common for 2 diffrent animal to make out to each other. Hybrids also can't reproduce because their sex cells doesn't match up. This is because the chromosomes of their parents doesn't match up either.

                                                    Here is an example of a hybrid. A Liger
As u can see it looks diffrent a little because it also have a mix body texture on their skins.

Another example, a Wholphin
Their body also looks different cause of the mix

This is all from me today, thank you for watching my blog and have a good cya to all of you.


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